13,471 since 2018
ElsevierOpen Link
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Microbiota modulate behavioral and physiological abnormalities associated with neurodevelopmental disorders
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Sara W McBride
Sophia Hsien
Gil Sharon
Embriette R Hyde
Tyler McCue
Julian A Codelli
Janet Chow
Sarah E Reisman
Joseph F Petrosino
Paul H Patterson
Sarkis K Mazmanian
ElsevierOpen Link
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Indigenous bacteria from the gut microbiota regulate host serotonin biosynthesis
Jessica M YanoJessica M Yano
Kristie YuKristie Yu
Gregory P Donaldson
Gauri G ShastriGauri G Shastri
Phoebe Ann
Liang Ma
Cathryn R Nagler
Rustem F Ismagilov
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Nature neuroscienceOpen Link
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Interactions between the microbiota, immune and nervous systems in health and disease
Thomas C FungThomas C Fung
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
ElsevierOpen Link
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The gut microbiota mediates the anti-seizure effects of the ketogenic diet
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Jessica M YanoJessica M Yano
Qingxing Y Liang
David J NusbaumDavid J Nusbaum
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Brain Behav ImmunOpen Link
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Maternal immune activation yields offspring displaying mouse versions of the three core symptoms of autism
Natalia V Malkova
Z Yu Collin
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Marlyn J Moore
Paul H Patterson
Biological psychiatryOpen Link
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Emerging roles for the gut microbiome in autism spectrum disorder
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Annual review of neuroscienceOpen Link
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The microbiome and host behavior
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Jessica M YanoJessica M Yano
Thomas C FungThomas C Fung
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
ScienceOpen Link
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Signaling inflammation across the gut-brain axis
Gulistan AgirmanGulistan Agirman
Kristie B YuKristie B Yu
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Author notes
Gulistan AgirmanGulistan AgirmanTwitter

Excited to see that our review is out for Thanksgiving 🥳 @ScienceMagazine @pipethero

Brain Behav ImmunOpen Link
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Activation of the maternal immune system induces endocrine changes in the placenta via IL-6
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Paul H Patterson
PNASOpen Link
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Modeling an autism risk factor in mice leads to permanent immune dysregulation
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Sara W McBride
Janet Chow
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
Brain Behav ImmunOpen Link
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Maternal immune activation causes age-and region-specific changes in brain cytokines in offspring throughout development
Paula A Garay
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Paul H Patterson
A Kimberley McAllister
NatureOpen Link
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The maternal microbiome modulates fetal neurodevelopment in mice
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Geoffrey N PronovostGeoffrey N Pronovost
Drake W Williams
Elena JL ColeyElena JL Coley
Emily L SieglerEmily L Siegler
Austin QiuAustin Qiu
Maria KazantsevMaria Kazantsev
Chantel J Wilson
Tomiko RendonTomiko Rendon
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Nature MicrobiologyOpen Link
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Intestinal serotonin and fluoxetine exposure modulate bacterial colonization in the gut
Thomas C FungThomas C Fung
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Cristopher DG Luna
Geoffrey N PronovostGeoffrey N Pronovost
Antoniya A Aleksandrova
Noah G Riley
Anastasia Vavilina
Julianne McGinnJulianne McGinn
Tomiko RendonTomiko Rendon
Lucy R Forrest
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
MicrobiomeOpen Link
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Differences in gut microbial composition correlate with regional brain volumes in irritable bowel syndrome
Jennifer S Labus
Emily B Hollister
Jonathan Jacobs
Kyleigh Kirbach
Numan Oezguen
Arpana Gupta
Jonathan Acosta
Ruth Ann Luna
Kjersti Aagaard
James Versalovic
Tor Savidge
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Kirsten Tillisch
Emeran A Mayer
Harvard review of psychiatryOpen Link
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Gastrointestinal issues in autism spectrum disorder
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
ScienceOpen Link
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Microbiomes as sources of emergent host phenotypes
Jonathan B LynchJonathan B Lynch
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Brain Behav ImmunOpen Link
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The placental interleukin-6 signaling controls fetal brain development and behavior
Wei-Li Wu
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Zihao Yan
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
NeuropsychopharmacologyOpen Link
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Maternal immune activation: reporting guidelines to improve the rigor, reproducibility, and transparency of the model
Amanda C Kentner
Staci D Bilbo
Alan S Brown
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
A Kimberley McAllister
Urs Meyer
Brad D Pearce
Mikhail V Pletnikov
Robert H Yolken
Melissa D Bauman
Developmental neurobiologyOpen Link
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Placental regulation of maternal‐fetal interactions and brain development
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Paul H Patterson
Cell Host & MicrobeOpen Link
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The microbiome as a modifier of neurodegenerative disease risk
Ping FangPing Fang
SA Kazmi
Kelly JamesonKelly Jameson
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Oxford University PressOpen Link
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Autism spectrum disorders
David Amaral
Daniel Geschwind
Geraldine Dawson
Translational PsychiatryOpen Link
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Effects of maternal immune activation on gene expression patterns in the fetal brain
Krassimira A Garbett
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Sára Kálmán
Paul H Patterson
Károly Mirnics
NeuropsychopharmacologyOpen Link
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The gut microbiota mediates reward and sensory responses associated with regimen-selective morphine dependence
Kevin Lee
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
David J NusbaumDavid J Nusbaum
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Christopher J Evans
Anna MW Taylor
ElsevierOpen Link
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SnapShot: The microbiota-gut-brain axis
Gulistan AgirmanGulistan Agirman
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Brain Behav ImmunOpen Link
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Maternal immune activation alters nonspatial information processing in the hippocampus of the adult offspring
Hiroshi T Ito
Stephen EP Smith
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Paul H Patterson
ImmunityOpen Link
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Perinatal interactions between the microbiome, immunity, and neurodevelopment
Geoffrey N PronovostGeoffrey N Pronovost
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Molecular cellOpen Link
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Toward understanding microbiome-neuronal signaling
Kelly G JamesonKelly G Jameson
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Sabeen A KazmiSabeen A Kazmi
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Neurobiology of DiseaseOpen Link
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Emerging roles for the intestinal microbiome in epilepsy
Greg R LumGreg R Lum
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
MicrobiomeOpen Link
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Evidence for an association of gut microbial Clostridia with brain functional connectivity and gastrointestinal sensorimotor function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, based on tripartite network analysis
Jennifer S Labus
Vadim Osadchiy
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Julien Tap
Muriel Derrien
Arpana Gupta
Kirsten Tillisch
Boris Le Nevé
Cecilia Grinsvall
Maria Ljungberg
Lena Öhman
Hans Törnblom
Magnus Simren
Emeran A Mayer
Nature Publishing Group UKOpen Link
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Gut microbiota Turicibacter strains differentially modify bile acids and host lipids
Jonathan B LynchJonathan B Lynch
Erika L GonzalezErika L Gonzalez
Kayli ChoyKayli Choy
Kym F Faull
Talia Jewell
Abelardo Arellano
Jennifer Liang
Kristie B YuKristie B Yu
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
PLOSOpen Link
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Correlation of tryptophan metabolites with connectivity of extended central reward network in healthy subjects
Vadim Osadchiy
Jennifer S Labus
Arpana Gupta
Jonathan Jacobs
Cody Ashe-McNalley
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Emeran A Mayer
International review of neurobiologyOpen Link
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Immune dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent 10220089Open Link
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Diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
Sara McBride
US Patent 9452189Open Link
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Probiotic therapies for autism
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
Janet Chow
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Sara McBride
Cell Host & MicrobeOpen Link
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Alterations in the gut microbiota contribute to cognitive impairment induced by the ketogenic diet and hypoxia
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Alonso J IñiguezAlonso J Iñiguez
Grace E YangGrace E Yang
Ping FangPing Fang
Geoffrey N PronovostGeoffrey N Pronovost
Kelly G JamesonKelly G Jameson
Tomiko K RendonTomiko K Rendon
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Jacob T Barlow
Rustem F Ismagilov
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Author notes
Elaine HsiaoElaine HsiaoTwitter

Excited to share this work by @cao_bio and colleagues @PingFan78765311 @geoffpronovost -- a fascinating example of how environmental factors interact synergistically to alter the gut microbiome and impair hippocampal function and cognitive behavior in mice. Short 🧵:

The ketogenic diet is widely used to treat refractory epilepsy and is increasingly being explored for other neurological and neurodegenerative disorders as well. But the results for other conditions seem to vary widely.

We previously found that changes in the gut microbiome mediate the anti-seizure effects of the diet in mouse models of epilepsy, which led us to think about the context-specificity of our findings.

For example, if the ketogenic diet (+ associated microbiome) can be beneficial for treating seizures in epilepsy, how would they impact cognitive ability in people that don’t have epilepsy? 🤔

To test this, Dr. Christine Olson + colleagues induced cognitive impairment in mice by subjecting them to acute intermittent hypoxia, and tested the effects of keto vs. control diet on their learning & memory behavior.

The first really interesting finding was that the ketogenic diet alone had no impact on cognitive behavior, but when combined with the hypoxic stressor, it actually worsened behavior in the learning and memory task.

If mice were first depleted of the microbiome or raised with no microbiome, the ketogenic diet no longer worsened the effects of hypoxia on behavior. In contrast, transplanting the microbiota into new mice made them perform more poorly in the learning and memory task.

Mice with poor behavior & mice transplanted with their microbiomes had >1000X higher Bilophila, with sequences best matching Bilophila wadsworthia. Colonizing mice with B. wadsworthia alone impaired their cognitive behavior.

Big thanks to @Suzanne_Devkota and @ConnieWYHa for teaching us almost everything we know about B. wadsworthia. @Suzanne_Devkota's prior work showed that high fat diets increase B. wadsworthia via taurocholic acid & that B. wadsworthia induces Th1 cells.

Following this, @cao_bio @geoffpronovost @PingFan78765311 saw that mice with poor cognitive behavior had higher levels of gut IFNg+ Th1 cells. Raising mice with no Th1 cells prevented the negative effects of B. wadsworthia (& keto diet + hypoxia) on behavior.

@cao_bio saw that poor behavior in mice exposed to keto diet + hypoxia or colonized with B. wadsworthia alone tracked with decreased hippocampal LTP (+ altered gene expression). So, we think that keto+hypoxia -> Bilophila -> Th1 cells -> IFNg -> hippocampus -> behavior.

Trends in NeurosciencesOpen Link
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Linking the gut microbiota to a brain neurotransmitter
Kelly G JamesonKelly G Jameson
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
NeuropsychopharmacologyOpen Link
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Gut microbial taxa elevated by dietary sugar disrupt memory function
Emily E Noble
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Elizabeth Davis
Linda Tsan
Yen-Wei Chen
Ruth Schade
Clarissa Liu
Andrea Suarez
Roshonda B Jones
Claire de La Serre
Xia Yang
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Scott E Kanoski
National Academies PressOpen Link
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Environmental chemicals, the human microbiome, and health risk: a research strategy
National Academies of Sciences
Division on Earth
Life Studies
Board on Life Sciences
Board on Environmental Studies
Committee on Advancing Understanding of the Implications of Environmental-Chemical Interactions with the Human Microbiome
The Journal of clinical investigationOpen Link
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Roles for the gut microbiota in regulating neuronal feeding circuits
Kristie YuKristie Yu
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Author notes
Elaine HsiaoElaine HsiaoTwitter

Kristie Yu did a deep dive on literature linking the gut microbiota to feeding behavior -- exciting foundational work, with much more to do in this area!

Annual review of immunologyOpen Link
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The gut microbiome as a regulator of the neuroimmune landscape
Lewis W YuLewis W Yu
Gulistan AgirmanGulistan Agirman
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Neurobiology of StressOpen Link
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Early life adversity predicts brain-gut alterations associated with increased stress and mood
Elena JL ColeyElena JL Coley
Emeran A Mayer
Vadim Osadchiy
Zixi Chen
Vishvak Subramanyam
Yurui Zhang
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Kan Gao
Ravi Bhatt
Tien Dong
Priten Vora
Bruce Naliboff
Jonathan P Jacobs
Arpana Gupta
American Association for the Advancement of ScienceOpen Link
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The maternal microbiome promotes placental development in mice
Geoffrey N PronovostGeoffrey N Pronovost
Kristie B YuKristie B Yu
Elena JL Coley-O’RourkeElena JL Coley-O’Rourke
Sahil S TelangSahil S Telang
Angela S ChenAngela S Chen
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Drake W Williams
Anisha ChandraAnisha Chandra
Tomiko K RendonTomiko K Rendon
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Reuben H Kim
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
LWWOpen Link
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The gut and its microbiome as related to central nervous system functioning and psychological well-being: introduction to the special issue of psychosomatic medicine
Emeran A Mayer
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Trends in neurosciencesOpen Link
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Malnutrition and the microbiome as modifiers of early neurodevelopment
Elena JL ColeyElena JL Coley
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Author notes
Elaine HsiaoElaine HsiaoTwitter

Thrilled to see Elena Coley's labor of love shared with the community! Her review addresses a potential role of the gut microbiome in mediating effects of early life nutrition on neurodevelopment, especially in the context of the global prevalence of malnutrition.

The Journal of NutritionOpen Link
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Host genetic background and gut microbiota contribute to differential metabolic responses to fructose consumption in mice
In Sook Ahn
Jennifer M Lang
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Graciel Diamante
Guanglin Zhang
Zhe Ying
Hyae Ran Byun
Ingrid Cely
Jessica Ding
Peter Cohn
Ira Kurtz
Fernando Gomez-Pinilla
Aldons J Lusis
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Xia Yang
Journal of Dental ResearchOpen Link
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Indigenous microbiota protects against inflammation-induced osteonecrosis
DW Williams
Helen VuongHelen Vuong
S Kim
A Lenon
K Ho
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
EC Sung
RH Kim
Nature MedicineOpen Link
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A novel pathway for microbial metabolism of levodopa
Kelly JamesonKelly Jameson
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Translational PsychiatryOpen Link
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Analysis of brain networks and fecal metabolites reveals brain–gut alterations in premenopausal females with irritable bowel syndrome
Vadim Osadchiy
Emeran A Mayer
Kan Gao
Jennifer S Labus
Bruce Naliboff
Kirsten Tillisch
Lin Chang
Jonathan P Jacobs
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Arpana Gupta
Journal of NeuroscienceOpen Link
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Defining dysbiosis in disorders of movement and motivation
Christopher T Fields
Timothy R Sampson
Annadora J Bruce-Keller
Drew D Kiraly
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Geert J de Vries
International Review of NeurobiologyOpen Link
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Interactions between the gut microbiome and ketogenic diet in refractory epilepsy
Ezgi ÖzcanEzgi Özcan
Greg R LumGreg R Lum
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent 10124025Open Link
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Compositions and methods comprising bacteria for improving behavior in neurodevelopmental disorders
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Sara McBride
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
Behavioural Brain ResearchOpen Link
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Interactions between maternal fluoxetine exposure, the maternal gut microbiome and fetal neurodevelopment in mice
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Elena JL ColeyElena JL Coley
Maria KazantsevMaria Kazantsev
Michaela E Cooke
Tomiko K RendonTomiko K Rendon
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Author notes
Elaine HsiaoElaine HsiaoTwitter

Congrats to @helenvuongphd and co-authors on their new work online! They model SSRI use in pregnant mice and find effects on the fetal brain that are modified by the maternal gut microbiome.

Don't miss the "negative" data in the supplementaries-- they were surprising and are my fave part! Doesn't seem like the microbiome alters fluoxetine bioavailability or its effects on the serotonergic system, as prior work would suggest 🤔

Maternal Influences on Fetal NeurodevelopmentOpen Link
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Activation of the maternal immune system as a risk factor for neuropsychiatric disorders
Stephen EP Smith
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Paul H Patterson
ElsevierOpen Link
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Ketogenic diet therapy for pediatric epilepsy is associated with alterations in the human gut microbiome that confer seizure resistance in mice
Greg R LumGreg R Lum
Sung Min Ha
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Montgomery Blencowe
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Beck Reyes
Joyce H Matsumoto
Xia Yang
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent App 14925240Open Link
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Compositions and methods comprising bacteria for improving behavior in neurodevelopmental disorders
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Wei-Li Wu
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
NeuronOpen Link
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Gut microbes join the social network
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
GastroenterologyOpen Link
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Clostridia from the gut microbiome are associated with brain functional connectivity and evoked symptoms in IBS
Jennifer S Labus
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Julien Tap
Muriel Derrien
Arpana Gupta
Boris Le Nevé
Remi Brazeilles
Cecilia Grinsvall
Lena Ohman
Hans Tornblom
Kirsten Tillisch
Magnus Simren
Emeran A Mayer
Cell Reports MedicineOpen Link
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Are changes in the gut microbiome a contributor or consequence of autism—why not both?
Ezgi ÖzcanEzgi Özcan
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Cell MetabolismOpen Link
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Ketone bodies exert ester-ordinary suppression of bifidobacteria and Th17 cells
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Greg R LumGreg R Lum
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
University of California, Los AngelesOpen Link
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Vagal interoception of microbial metabolites from the small intestinal lumen
Kelly JamesonKelly Jameson
NatureOpen Link
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Gut microbes shape athletic motivation
Gulistan AgirmanGulistan Agirman
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Nature MicrobiologyOpen Link
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The microbial olympics 2016
Michaeline B Nelson
Alexander B Chase
Jennifer BH Martiny
Roman Stocker
Jen Nguyen
Karen Lloyd
Reid T Oshiro
Daniel B Kearns
Johannes P Schneider
Peter D Ringel
Marek Basler
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Benjamin RK Roller
Martin Ackermann
Chris Smillie
Diana Chien
Eric Alm
Andrew J Jermy
Nature Publishing Group UKOpen Link
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Microbiome alterations in autism spectrum disorder
Elena J Coley-O’RourkeElena J Coley-O’Rourke
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
American Society for MicrobiologyOpen Link
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STENSL: Microbial source tracking with environment selection
Ulzee An
Liat Shenhav
Christine A OlsonChristine A Olson
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Eran Halperin
Sriram Sankararaman
US Patent App 14839041Open Link
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Microbe-based modulation of serotonin biosynthesis
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Jessica YanoJessica Yano
US Patent App 17168944Open Link
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Compositions and methods for modulating lipid and steroid metabolism
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Thomas FungThomas Fung
NatureOpen Link
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Gut microbes tune inflammation and lifespan in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Ping FangPing Fang
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent App 15249870Open Link
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Probiotic therapies for autism
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
Janet Chow
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Sara McBride
Nature Publishing Group UKOpen Link
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Sex-dependent interactions between prodromal intestinal inflammation and LRRK2 G2019S in mice promote endophenotypes of Parkinson’s disease
Ping FangPing Fang
Lewis W YuLewis W Yu
Hannah EspeyHannah Espey
Gulistan AgirmanGulistan Agirman
Sabeen A KazmiSabeen A Kazmi
Kai Li
Yongning DengYongning Deng
Jamie LeeJamie Lee
Haley Hrncir
Arlene Romero-Lopez
Arthur P Arnold
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
ElsevierOpen Link
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Extending genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease from host to holobiont
Sabeen A KazmiSabeen A Kazmi
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
ElsevierOpen Link
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Gut microbiota: A sweet tale of mice and microbes
Kristie YuKristie Yu
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
ElsevierOpen Link
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IL-33 changes our “gut feelings” about serotonin
W Yu Lewis
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
ElsevierOpen Link
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Microbes REV up host metabolism around the clock
Geoffrey N PronovostGeoffrey N Pronovost
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Handbook of Behavioral NeuroscienceOpen Link
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Modeling the maternal immune activation risk factor for schizophrenia
Natalia Malkova
Wei-Li Wu
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
AutismOpen Link
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Immune involvement in autism spectrum disorder as a basis for animal models
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
PH Patterson
ElsevierOpen Link
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Select microbial metabolites in the small intestinal lumen regulates vagal activity via receptor-mediated signaling
Kelly G JamesonKelly G Jameson
Sabeen A KazmiSabeen A Kazmi
Takahiro E OharaTakahiro E Ohara
Celine SonCeline Son
Kristie YuKristie Yu
Donya MazdeyasnanDonya Mazdeyasnan
Emma LeshanEmma Leshan
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Arlene Lopez-RomeroArlene Lopez-Romero
Long Yang
Felix E Schweizer
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Nature Reviews MicrobiologyOpen Link
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Microbiota–neuroepithelial signalling across the gut–brain axis
Takahiro E OharaTakahiro E Ohara
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
bioRxivOpen Link
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The maternal microbiome modifies adverse effects of protein undernutrition on offspring neurobehavioral impairment in mice
Elena J Coley-O’RourkeElena J Coley-O’Rourke
Greg R LumGreg R Lum
Geoffrey N PronovostGeoffrey N Pronovost
Ezgi ÖzcanEzgi Özcan
Kristie B YuKristie B Yu
Janet McDermottJanet McDermott
Anna ChakhoyanAnna Chakhoyan
Eliza Goldman
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Alison Chu
Kara L Calkins
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
ElsevierOpen Link
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The Microbiome at the Interface of the Exposome and Risk for Psychiatric Disorders
Tamar L Gur
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
bioRxivOpen Link
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Turicibacter strains differentially modify bile acids and host lipids
Jonathan B LynchJonathan B Lynch
Erika L GonzalezErika L Gonzalez
Kayli ChoyKayli Choy
Kym F Faull
Talia Jewell
Abelardo Arellano
Jennifer Liang
Kristie B YuKristie B Yu
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent 11224624Open Link
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Modulation of microbial synthesis of 4-etylphenol and 4-ethylphenyl sulfate in behavior and disease
Brittany D Needham
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Gil Sharon
Masanori Funabashi
Michael A Fischbach
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Paul H Patterson
US Patent 11129858Open Link
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Compositions and methods for inhibiting seizures
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Jessica YanoJessica Yano
Helen VuongHelen Vuong
Christine OlsonChristine Olson
Principles of Mucosal ImmunologyOpen Link
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Commensal microbiota and its relationship to homeostasis and disease
Jonathan Braun
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Nicholas Powell
Trends in ImmunologyOpen Link
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Mitochondrial and purinergic dysregulation promote abnormal behavior in mice
Ping FangPing Fang
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
CellOpen Link
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Setting the stage for the next generation of neuroscience
Weizhe Hong
Nils Brose
Jeremiah Y Cohen
Pico Caroni
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Pascal S Kaeser
National Academy of SciencesOpen Link
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Tandem metabolic reaction–based sensors unlock in vivo metabolomics
Xuanbing Cheng
Zongqi Li
Jialun Zhu
Jingyu Wang
Ruyi Huang
Lewis W YuLewis W Yu
Shuyu Lin
Sarah Forman
Evelina Gromilina
Sameera Puri
Pritesh Patel
Mohammadreza Bahramian
Jiawei Tan
Hannaneh Hojaiji
David Jelinek
Laurent Voisin
Kristie B YuKristie B Yu
Ao Zhang
Connie Ho
Lei Lei
Hilary A Coller
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Beck L Reyes
Joyce H Matsumoto
Daniel C Lu
Chong Liu
Carlos Milla
Ronald W Davis
Sam Emaminejad
The Journal of Clinical InvestigationOpen Link
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The microbiome as a modulator of neurological health across the maternal-offspring interface
Stephanie B OrchanianStephanie B Orchanian
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Nature Publishing Group UKOpen Link
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Dietary fiber content in clinical ketogenic diets modifies the gut microbiome and seizure resistance in mice
Ezgi ÖzcanEzgi Özcan
Kristie B YuKristie B Yu
Lyna DinhLyna Dinh
Greg R LumGreg R Lum
Katie LauKatie Lau
Jessie HsuJessie Hsu
Mariana ArinoMariana Arino
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Arlene Lopez-RomeroArlene Lopez-Romero
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent App 18713947Open Link
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Compositions and methods for inhibiting seizures
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Gregory Lum
US Patent App 18416203Open Link
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Microbe-based modulation of serotonin biosynthesis
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Jessica YanoJessica Yano
ElsevierOpen Link
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FAAHcilitating recovery in malnourished kids
Franciscus ChandraFranciscus Chandra
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent 12128075Open Link
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Compositions and methods comprising bacteria for improving behavior in neurodevelopmental disorders
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Sara McBride
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
US Patent App 18390652Open Link
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Compositions and methods for inhibiting seizures
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Jessica YanoJessica Yano
Helen VuongHelen Vuong
Christine OlsonChristine Olson
ElsevierOpen Link
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Dietary Fibers in Clinical Ketogenic Diets Promotes Seizure Resistance in Mice Through Modulation of Gut Microbiome
Ezgi ÖzcanEzgi Özcan
Kristie YuKristie Yu
Lyna DinhLyna Dinh
Greg R LumGreg R Lum
Jessie HsuJessie Hsu
Katie LauKatie Lau
Mariana ArinoMariana Arino
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
The Microbiome at the Interface of the Exposome and Risk for Psychiatric Disorders (vol 95, pg 298, 2024)
Tamar L Gur
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent 11896629Open Link
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Probiotic therapies for treating Rett syndrome
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
Janet Chow
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Sara W McBride
US Patent 11883441Open Link
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Compositions and methods for inhibiting seizures
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Jessica YanoJessica Yano
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Christine OlsonChristine Olson
Academic PressOpen Link
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Microbiota–Gut–Brain Axis in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Gulistan AgirmanGulistan Agirman
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent 11744867Open Link
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Modulation of microbial synthesis of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylphenyl sulfate in behavior and disease
Brittany D Needham
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Gil Sharon
Masanori Funabashi
Michael A Fischbach
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Paul H Patterson
ElsevierOpen Link
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The Gut Microbiome Informs Neurodevelopment and Cognitive Behavior in a Model of Maternal Malnutrition
Elena ColeyElena Coley
Anna ChakhoyanAnna Chakhoyan
Geoffrey PronovostGeoffrey Pronovost
Janet McDermottJanet McDermott
Eliza Goldman
Helen VuongHelen Vuong
Jorge ParamoJorge Paramo
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
bioRxivOpen Link
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Sex-dependent interactions between prodromal intestinal inflammation and LRRK2 G2019S in mice promote symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Ping FangPing Fang
Hannah EspeyHannah Espey
Lewis W YuLewis W Yu
Gulistan AgirmanGulistan Agirman
Kai Li
Yongning DengYongning Deng
Jamie LeeJamie Lee
Haley Hrncir
Arthur P Arnold
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
US Patent App 17609269Open Link
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Compositions and methods for promoting healthy neural development in an unborn baby
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
US Patent App 17615297Open Link
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Compositions and methods for modulating cognitive behavior
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Christine OlsonChristine Olson
Alonso IniguezAlonso Iniguez
US Patent App 17437643Open Link
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Compositions, methods for regulating uterine, placental growth
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Geoffrey N PronovostGeoffrey N Pronovost
US Patent App 17057500Open Link
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Methods of selecting subjects for treatment with metabolomic modulators
Elaine Y HsiaoElaine Y Hsiao
Jessica YanoJessica Yano
Helen E VuongHelen E Vuong
Christine OlsonChristine Olson
US Patent 11052151Open Link
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Diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson
Sara McBride
US Patent App 16139741Open Link
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Compositions and methods comprising bacteria for improving behavior in neurodevelopmental disorders
Elaine HsiaoElaine Hsiao
Sara McBride
Sarkis K Mazmanian
Paul H Patterson