Blavatnik National Awards Laureate in Life Sciences
Elaine Y. Hsiao was recognized by the Blavatnik Awards for discoveries that expand the understanding of how the gut microbiome interacts with the nervous system.
Innovators in Science Award: Leveraging the Gut-Brain Connection
Ologies: Microbiology (GUT BIOME) with Dr. Elaine Hsiao
Listen to Oologie's interview with Elaine Hsiao
Me, Myself & Microbes
A short animation on how how microbes affect brain and behavior.
A Lesson in Bacteria at TEDYouth
The HIDDEN World of Microbiomes
Biologist Elaine Hsiao explores the hidden world of microbial communities inside of us and in our surroundings, visualized by PHD Comics.
Brain, heart, gut - what drives us, really
Mind-altering microbes: how the microbiome affects brain and behavior at TEDxCaltech
Lab nieuws
Congrats to Francis on his Spotlight article in Cell Chemical Biology!
Congrats to Ezgi on being selected to give an oral presentation at the American Society of Nutrition annual meeting and also as a finalist for the Nutrition Translation Award!
Elaine is named an Early Career Innovator in Science by Takeda and New York Academy of Sciences!
Way to go Lewis and Guli for leading UCLA’s Immunology in Neuroscience Affinity Group!
Congrats to Kelly for winning a Keystone conference travel award and being selected for oral presentation on her exciting work!
Congrats to Sabeen on being awarded a UCLA Hyde Fellowship!
Congrats to Anisha for winning an undergraduate research scholarship!
Congrats to Erika for being named an MSD scholar!
Excited to share this work by Christine, Ping, Geoff and colleagues-- a fascinating example of how environmental factors interact synergistically to alter the gut microbiome and impair hippocampal function and cognitive behavior in mice.
Check out Elena new article on roles for the gut microbiome in mediating effects of early life nutrition on neurodevelopment, especially in the context of the global prevalence of malnutrition.
Congrats to Christine on her F31 fellowship from National Institute of Aging!
Congrats to Kelly on her News & Views article for Nature Medicine on new findings from the Turnbaugh and Balskus groups on microbes that metabolize L-dopa
Het lichaam bevat triljoenen microben die gezondheid en ziekte beïnvloeden. Het Hsiao Lab aan de UCLA wil begrijpen hoe ze hersenen en gedrag beïnvloeden.